The Mischievous Hairline Crack on my Mushroom Teapot

It's been a frustrating day. Especially with this little mushroom teapot. 

I threw the body, spout, and lid on the wheel a few days ago and everything was looking good. I was really proud of the work.

After three or so days I took the heat gun to stiffen him up for trimming. 

Have you ever watched film develop in a chemical bath? When you slowly start to see the outlines of things and then in no time the image appears right in front of you? 

That's how it was with the hairline crack on the body of the teapot. It just sort of materialized out of nowhere and then bam, there it was snaking across the clay's surface like a glacial crack. 

At the time I thought ehh, no big deal, I'll just smooth it out and assemble the teapot. 

The crack kept coming back. 

I'd smooth it out. 

It would come back.

Then I'd rub at it again. 

But it always came back, materializing slowly like some sort of spiteful ghost. 

Smoothing it out with vinegar wasn't working either, I was just butchering the bottom of my teapot. 

Then to my dismay I noticed another, river-like crack had surfaced on the lid. Just my luck today. 

So I spent another hour or so smoothing over the two cracks, watch them creep back, and then I'd be at them again. 

When it started nearing late evening I got too frustrated and had to cover the teapot up and won't look at it till tomorrow, so I don't know who will come out or the cracks...

All I know is that I've been slowly learning that in ceramics I really don't have control over much of anything.

Thanks for reading!  

Worm Ceramics out. 
