Feeling Deflated Today

It's been a weird, past few days. Just sort of seems like failure after failure. I really struggled on the wheel trying to center. Then found out the bat I was using was warped. But even after changing the bat I was still struggling to center. I've been at the wheel for three months now, which I know isn't long, but I would have at least thought that by now my hands would get the knack for centering quickly. They haven't yet, and it's been frustrating. More S-cracks are starting to form on the bottoms of my vessels, and I fear that the fourth teapot I threw will also come to the same demise. Also been feeling stuck, with the whole business side of trying to sell things that you make. All of the self-promotion on social media, creating hype for yourself, it all seems very insincere and glamorous. I've also been comparing myself to other ceramicists online, who have studios and wheels and their styles and practices and fans. I know I shouldn't do ...